Breaking Up With Lash Extensions - Eyelash Extension Risks

Breaking Up With Lash Extensions - Eyelash Extension Risks

4 minute read

We at LashLuxury have been using mascara ever since we were allowed... and maybe even before that.

There is something about long, dark lashes that help to define and brighten our eyes, amplify our facial features and captivate all those we encounter. Even better than mascara though, are lash extensions which REALLY give a boost to our lash game.

Ok, maybe we’re getting a bit carried away, but the 
promise of added volume and length paired with a shorter morning routine for weeks at a time, make lash extensions an attractive (pardon the pun) option.

Unfortunately, we continue to hear horror stories from lots of women who at one point or another were lash extension obsessed. One of our good friends (we'll call her Jel) was kind enough to share her story, and an unfortunate picture, about her experience with lash extensions.

She is an inside and out beauty, not to mention a rising star in the corporate world, and we're thankful for her time!

Lets dive right in...

LL: Hey Jel! Thanks for chatting with us today. We’re looking forward to sharing your experience with our readers. What drew you to lash extensions?

Jel: Oh it’s quite the experience! I was so sick of my stubby and sparse lashes. I found myself fiddling with falsies every time I had an event. A few of my friends had started getting lash extensions, so I decided to give them a shot.

LL: What was your initial impression?

Jel: At first, I loved them. I didn’t need to wear mascara, I always looked rested. And they didn’t feel heavy or look clumpy like the alternatives.

LL: They sound pretty good to us! What changed your mind?

Jel: I noticed definitely a few cons from the beginning. First, they’re expensive. I was paying $150 twice a month. Second, the application takes FOREVER. They’re literally gluing a false lash to each individual eyelash. On average, it took 2.5 hours. And lastly, you can’t rub your eyes — it might sound easy, but it becomes a challenge when you’re tired or staring at a screen for too long. You also can’t sleep on your face. I’m a stomach sleeper, so that was pretty hard to adjust to.

LL: Ok, so maybe not “effortless”. But, was it worth it?

Jel: I was a regular for 14 months. I’d have my lashes filled every two weeks and didn’t really think twice about it until my last appointment...

LL: What happened at your last appointment? Spill the tea!

Jel: Everything seemed fine, but when I woke up the next morning, I could barely open my eyes. They were red, swollen, and itchy. It was awful. My face looked like I was attacked by a swarm of bees. I missed three days of work.

The perils of lash extensions and how to save your lashes with our daily lash serum

LL: Wow. I’m so sorry that happened to you. That’s terrifying.

Jel: It was very scary. I went to the hospital and they were able to reduce the swelling, but the side effects lasted for weeks. My eyes were really sensitive — bright lights really bothered me and gave me headaches. My real lashes ended up falling out, too. I was so self-conscious.

And it sounds so trivial, but it really impacted my concentration at work. I didn’t want anyone to notice, and it definitely consumed my thoughts during team meetings.

LL: You’re a natural beauty, but we understand how distracting those thoughts would be. How are your lashes now?

Jel: It’s been about three months and my eyelashes are looking better than they ever have. I’ve even had people stop me in the elevator and at Starbucks to tell me how good they look.

I was so excited — no one has ever complimented my eyelashes before.

LL: What’s your secret?

Jel: A few months after my reaction, a friend recommended LashLuxury. I’ve been using it regularly and am so thrilled with the results! I feel good about using it because it’s natural.

It helps to create longer and healthier looking lashes, and the best part, they're all mine. I'm just enhancing what I already have.

Lash extensions or LashLuxury. We think it is an easy choice!


Lara Roosevelt

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